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Before getting your pistol permit or just for extra training, take advantage
of our classes in Rochester & Buffalo, NY!

Our security guard company is proud to offer the classes you need to be safe. From self-defense training to security officer training and pistol permit courses, we can teach you the strategies and tactics you need. Whether you work in a dangerous job or just want a way to protect yourself, our professionals are here to help. Sometimes it feels like the world is getting more dangerous every day. Luckily, our professionals are more than qualified to provide you with excellent self-defense skills.

With security officer training, you can keep yourself safe while you’re protecting the Batavia, Buffalo, Canandaigua, Rochester, and Syracuse, New York communities. Self-defense training can help you develop a skillset that may save your life, and pistol permit courses teach you how to operate a firearm safely. For more information on any of our courses, we invite you to give our professionals a call. It’s time you have the training you need to protect yourself. Book your class now.

Feel Free to Reach Out With Any Questions

pistol permit Rochester, NY
pistol permit Buffalo, NY
Book a Class Now
Classes Available:
Defense Tactics 
Report Writing 
Interview Techniques 
Private Investigation Classes 
Gun Safety Course 
Unarmed 8 hour Security Training Course 
47 hour Armed Security Course 
Security Re-certifications

*SPECIAL Take both the Handcuffing and Self-Defense Spray courses for $100.00.
(A $20.00 savings!) 

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